What Are Templates?
Templates are one of the first things you will select when creating an engagement letter.
The template chosen will dictate how the engagement letter document looks, the e-mail your prospect or client will receive and the acceptance option for that engagement letter.
You can create multiple templates to ensure content is tailored to the work you are providing, or even create templates for specific niches you are working with e.g. clients in the construction industry.
Where are Proposal Templates managed?
All Templates can be found and managed by heading to Configure > Templates & Emails.
Adding a new Template
To add a new template, click the 'Add Template' button which shows just beneath the existing templates.
Within a template you can tailor the email content that you and your clients receive when an engagement letter has been sent. You can also customise the wahoo email that you receive when the engagement letter has been signed by your client.
You can also configure the acceptance options for the client.
Edit an existing Template
You can edit all existing templates using the 'edit' button, which can be found to the far right of each template.
Once you click the edit button, this will load the window for that specific template so you can look to configure.
Duplicate an existing Template
Duplicating an existing template gives you a great starting point for a new template. This is a great tool for when you want to create different versions for individual niches or work orders.
To duplicate a template, click the icon that has an arrow pointing to a clipboard, which can be found to the right of the edit button.
Delete a Template
If you need to delete a template you can easily remove them from your app using the delete button. Please note, any templates deleted will have to be manually re-added on to your app.
Moving your Templates
You can look to re-order your templates if there is a specific order you would like to see your templates in the Create Letter of Engagement page.
By placing the templates in your chosen order within the Templates Page, this will be the same order that is reflected in your Create Letter of Engagement Page.
Preview from the Templates Page:
Preview from the Create Letter of Engagement page:
To move your your templates, use the curser button showing to the left of the template name. Your changes will automatically be saved.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us! 😃